It’s been a minute

since I last visited this space in the virtual world that’s held a record of so much of my life’s adventures over the past decade. Life is so different from what it was in 2012 when I began this blog.

Life has been wonderful, colourful and busy.

Read a recent post by a favourite blogger about her thoughts on abandoned blogs. She spoke about various scenarios from someone becoming a parent, to losing your login information, to just plain boredom. I wonder (if there are any regular visitors to this little space) what they thought had happened for me to just stop posting abruptly.

Sending good vibes and smiles into the world.

Actively counting blessings and searching for silver linings as a storm rages around

The Arabian Sea

The situation in India has become so incredibly scary that we have gone into lockdown once again. Everything around me is feeling out of control, so I am giving thanks for the joys I’ve recently experienced.

As I work in my study, I hear a young pianist play beautifully almost every day. A colleague commented about it on a call today and I responded that sometimes it feels like I have background music to my everyday life. Today around midday, I twirled around the room to the tune being perfected next door. Wish I knew how to waltz. Wish I was wearing a lavender ball gown with my hair done up.

I found time to binge watch TWO 8episode series over one weekend!

And then there are the April showers. And I have a balcony to watch the rain while sipping on a cup of coffee.

A year ago today

  • I didn’t own a single mask. Actually, I hadn’t even heard the term N95.
  • I’d never worked from home in my entire career upto that point.
  • I couldn’t have even imagined that I would spend almost a year in isolation.
  • I had never factored that I too would run my own company and become the final member of the J’ngr gang to do so.
  • I had not factored in some of the dark days and emotions I had to battle in 2020, but in the same breath, I lacked the temerity to imagine the highs and joys that almost made my ribcage ache with joy (and pride).

The parents got their first dosage of vaccines and I can’t wait to never again have a Covid swab rammed up my nose.

15 days of March 🙂

March has been an interesting month. On the work front, the reviews from the HQ in Milan has brought in much needed reaffirmation. There was a packed work trip to Gurgaon. Lets just say, travelling during a global pandemic is a very interesting experience.

On the personal front, the last 3 weekends have brought nothing but joy (and very little sleep) with them. There was a picnic in the park with my sisters, there were meetups with the girls, there have been brunches and drinks at sunsets, Nok is in town and proceeded to give me the biggest surprise in forever, VT is taking shape, my gallery wall in the study is looking spectacular! and there this week has brought a lot of visitors to the house. So much so, that the house is perpetually bathed in twinkling lights and is ringing with joyful sounds at all times of the day. This is going to a very good year!!